Top 5 Anime You Should Watch on Netflix

anime you should watch on netflix

Now this is just my opinion, but there are some amazing shows and movies out there on Netflix right now. There are so many different anime you should watch on Netflix that it may be hard to choose. For this reason I want to share with you some anime shows and movies that enjoyed. I didn’t want to suggest things that you probably already heard of like Demon Slayer, but ones that you may have never thought of trying. I’m not saying Demon Slayer is bad or anything, it is an amazing show to watch. If you are new to anime, the first three that I will list here would be a great introduction to the world of anime. I hope you’ll come to love it as much as I do. So lets get to it. These are the top 5 anime you should watch on Netflix.

Violet Evergarden

Violet Evergarden came out as an animated series that then came out with what I call 2 different specials and a movie afterwards. All of which I highly recommend. The visuals, the animation, the details… It is stunning. Simply stunning. Beautiful beyond compare. I find it hard to recall any anime that was as beautiful before watching Violet Evergarden. The story isn’t bad either. It feels a little slow paced, but it feels fantastical even though it’s not a fantasy. I get something similar to the feeling of melancholy when I watch this anime. The overall story follows a girl who lost her arms in a war and tries to fit in with society by working as a Doll. A Doll is a term used to describe someone who writes letters for others. It’s not weird or anything. This anime is my number one recommendation among the 5 listed here. So go give it a try, I promise it’ll be worth your while.

Dragon Pilot

Ok, this one feels more like it could be a slice of life, but I promise it’s interesting. The animation looks simple, but that is part of the charm. The story is about dragons that are disguised as jets and maidens who ride with them. I know it sounds funny, but it’s not what you think. It’s only 12 episodes long and is a completed series. I wish there were more episodes, but what can you do? The overall feeling I got from watching this particular anime is peaceful and not too tense or stressful. If you want to sit back and relax, this is a good choice.

A Whisker Away

For those of you who are fans of Studio Ghibli films, you will enjoy this one. And for those who have never heard of Studio Ghibli or any of their films… Look them up and watch them! So this movie has the enchantment of “Spirited Away” but the feel of “The Cat’s Return.” Both of those are Studio Ghibli films if you didn’t know already. So without giving the whole thing away, this movie is about a girl who likes a boy and both have personal problems that need to be overcome. All of that with a costly magical twist that I will not reveal. Anyway, you should give this movie a shot. Yes, it is a movie. So if you don’t feel like committing a lot of time, you can watch this.

One Punch Man

This is a pretty good show if you can get past the first 5 minutes of the first episode. The reason I say that is not what you think. It’s just so funny and ridiculous that you’ll be wondering what it is you are watching. My friend almost gave up on the first episode in the first few minutes because of that. But my rule of thumb is to give everything 1 to 2 episodes, so I forced them to continue. They didn’t regret it. “One Punch Man” is probably one of the most funny and epic shows around. And when I say epic I only mean the fight scenes. Everything else is just funny. This series follows the life of a man that can obliterate anything with 1 punch and attempts to be a hero. Trust me, you will not want to miss this show if you love a good laugh.


This one isn’t too bad of a pick. If you love a fighting genre, then you’ll love this one. Now if you are new to anime I don’t recommend you watch this one first. This show is a bit more serious and tense than the others that I have recommended so far. But even if you aren’t really into fighting all that much like me, you still might be able to enjoy it. Most, if not all, the fighting styles, techniques, and workouts are based on real life. Which makes everything very interesting to watch. If you haven’t given this show a shot yet, then give it a try.

If you looked into all of these and enjoyed them then you should stick around here and wait for more of my awesome recommendations. There’s more than just anime out there. Along with all the anime you should watch on Netflix, I am just itching to share some of my favorites with you. So check out some of my other recommendations.