Cat Litter

There are several things that I wish to discuss here about cat litter. That’s right. I said cat litter. There are so many different kinds and sometimes you wonder why one just can’t fit all your needs. Like why can’t one be super absorbent while having good odor eliminating technology? If you are a new cat owner, or even if you aren’t, you should take a look at all the different cat litter that I have found.

Regular Cat Litter

The regular cat litter that everyone is familiar with is made of clay. The litter is generally sorted into two kinds, clumping and non-clumping. Honestly, this kind of litter is not considered the best for several reasons. It is always heavy, not environmentally friendly, not biodegradable, usually dusty, and some of the time not good for your health or your pet. Also, it tracks easily getting absolutely Everywhere. The main benefit of this kind of litter is that it is everywhere and fairly cheaper than the other kinds of litter.

Tofu Litter

This is the type that I actually use myself. I had become so annoyed with all the clay sand getting all over the apartment that I just had it. I spent hours trying to find the best cat litter. Personally, this kind is one of the best. It is eco-friendly, biodegradable, dust free, doesn’t track easily, lightweight, clumps really well, and non-toxic. If your cat eats some, it will be fine in case your cat is prone to eating litter for some reason. And something you should be aware of is that it is flushable!

You read it right, flushable. But make sure to check your local area’s guidelines about flushing your cat’s waste. Due to what could be in your cat’s feces and what not it might not be allowed in your area. But if it is allowed, then great! No more plastic bags. The only downside is that it is generally more expensive than most other litter and the odor control isn’t always great unless you clean out the litter box daily. Oh! One more thing to be careful of with tofu litter is that it is susceptible to mold if stored in humid places.

Crystal Litter

Also known as silica litter. This is a pretty good option to go with. It doesn’t produce as much dust as regular litter and is lightweight in comparison. It has pretty good odor control. Not much maintenance is required as there is less of a chance of mold and bacteria growth. The reason for this is because the crystals allow for evaporation of water to occur better than the other kinds of litter. So less litter is needed and usually only needs to be replaced once a month.

There are some things to note though. Most crystal litter does not clump and needs to be stirred daily to increase absorption. It also can track easily. And if your cat has sensitive paws, it may not like the texture of the crystal litter. Other downsides is that it is not eco-friendly, it’s not biodegradable, and can be expensive. Although, crystal litter the only litter that can indicate potential problems in your cat. So it might be a good idea if your cat is prone to health problems.

Paper Pellet Litter

So this is exactly what it sounds like. It is generally made from recycled paper, and sometimes from sawdust or leaves as well as paper. They always come as pellets and are great to prevent tracking in your home. They are also a cheap and eco-friendly alternative to other litter choices. Since they are made from paper they are non-toxic, create little dust, and are biodegradable. And for the same reason that it’s made of paper; there is little to no odor control, not easy to clean, does not clump, needs to be changed frequently, and may not be a good choice for kitties with sensitive paws.

Walnut Cat Litter

With this particular litter, we can say that it is similar to clay litter in that has a similar texture. However, it is more lightweight than its clay counterpart. Made from crushed walnut shells, this litter is non-toxic, biodegradable, and eco-friendly. It’s also fairly low on dust with decent odor control. Surprisingly, it also comes in clumping and non-clumping varieties. Now considering that it is similar to clay litter in texture, it tracks just as much. And since it is made of walnut shells, it is susceptible to spoilage.

Pine Pellet Litter

Also known as wood pellet litter. Since this particular litter only comes in the form of pellets, it can be uncomfortable for your kitty. It may also irritate your cat with the scent of pine. As a cat’s sense of smell is stronger than that of a human’s, it might be too strong for them even if it is pleasant for you. This litter is eco-friendly, non-toxic, has good odor control, and is fairly affordable. There are a few problems though. It can be difficult to clean and it does not come in a clumping variety.

Corn Litter

I personally never heard of this kind until I went looking for the best kind of litter. It’s made of corn so it is eco-friendly, non-toxic, biodegradable, and by the same reason vulnerable to spoilage. It comes in a clumping variety with low dust. It’s also flushable like tofu litter. Since it’s flushable, make sure to check your local guidelines to see if you can. This litter has a grainy texture that is favorable to your cat’s paws. So if your cat is sensitive to texture it will be fine. While it has decent odor control, it tracks easily. Also some people may not like the way it smells.

The Best Kind of Cat Litter

As you can see, there are many different kinds of cat litter. With so many different kinds it can be hard to choose. But the most important thing to remember when it comes to choosing the best cat litter is figuring out what kind is best for your cat. Your cat’s habits and age could be a factor to consider.

The best kind of cat litter, in my opinion, is the tofu cat litter. It has everything that I am looking for. It doesn’t track as easily, it clumps great, and there is no dust. The fact that it is non-toxic and environmentally friendly is nice too. Even if the odor control is okay, it’s fine. The price may be kind of high, but I don’t need you use as much and don’t need to replace it often. Some brands of tofu litter can come in smaller pellet sizes which can be more comfortable for those with sensitive paws as well. The downside to tofu litter is that it isn’t compatible with some of those automatic cleaning cat litter boxes.

Although, if your kitty really doesn’t like the pellets then I would like to suggest a particular brand called Sustainably Yours. This litter is a corn based litter that works well overall. You’ll just have to live with tracking everywhere. And it works with the automatic litter boxes. I would like to also suggest that you get the larger grain size so it won’t track as much.

If you wish to save money on your kitty’s expenses like pet insurance, toys, or litter; then click here.