Everything You Need for Your New Puppy

This is an exciting time for you as you begin your journey to bring home a new family member. And I know you probably can’t wait to love on it as soon as you get home. However, there are many things you need to prepare before they arrive. So let’s go over everything you need for you new puppy!

Preparation: Everything you need before your new puppy arrives

There is lots to go over. In order to make sure that your puppy is safe and Your Stuff is safe, there are some things you need to do. First off, make sure to put away that anything that you don’t want your puppy to touch or anything you don’t want chewed on. Anything below table height should be considered as within reach of your puppy. So shoes, cables, backpacks, and everything in the cupboards below waist height. In order to puppy proof your home you may want to invest in some baby proof locks for your cupboards. And maybe get a trashcan that you can lock. Or make sure it is inaccessible somehow.

The Necessities

Secondly, you need to make sure you have the basic necessities before your puppy arrives. For example, food and water bowls, toys, a crate, a leash and collar, and a play pen. All of these are very important to pay attention to in order to keep you and your puppy happy and healthy.

everything you need for your new puppy

You will want to consider buying a food bowl that makes your puppy work for their food to keep them from gulping everything down. As for the toys, to ensure your puppy is happy and you get the most out of your money, buy toys that won’t get destroyed easily. Like rope that isn’t purposely frayed at the ends. And chew toys that match the different bite strength of your pup. There is something you need to take note of especially. It’s that the toys should be large enough so they can not be swallowed by your dog. Make sure that the toys won’t break or be ripped apart enough to be swallowed.

everything you need for your new puppy

When it comes to choosing the right crate and leash there are a few things to keep in mind. Try to get an adjustable crate so it can properly fit your pup at every stage of its life. It should only be large enough for it to stand up turn around and lay back down. Never get a retractable leash. A good leash should be about 4-6 feet long. On another note, play pens should be put in the room you spend the most time in so you can keep an eye on your pup.

Outside of the home is just as important to keep your puppy safe. If you have a backyard, you should have another play pen. This will be a designated spot for your pup and to keep other pets, if you have any, away while your pup still gets vaccinations. When it finally does get all its shots you need to make sure that your yard is well fenced, and that it won’t get hurt by anything in the yard. For example, there could be plants harmful to your pup, or tools lying around. So be aware of everything in your yard.


Last, but not least, pet insurance! You should always have insurance for your pets. So make sure your pup is covered. This can help with any upcoming shots it hasn’t had yet, or any unexpected uhh… situations, you may encounter. You can never be too careful and accidents do happen. Just make sure you’re covered.

There is a great way to save on all this and pet insurance. Just click here and find everything you need at an amazing price.