The World Ends With You

This is another wonderful Nintendo DS game that I highly recommend. The overall game is just… *chef’s kiss*. There is almost no other way to describe the amazing game called “The World Ends With You.” Or as fans of the game call it TWEWY, pronounced “two” and “we”.

Overview of The World Ends With You

the world ends with you

“The World Ends With You” is an emotionally gripping game with a great soundtrack. Now, in my opinion, the soundtracks are good, but not as good as in “Solatorobo.” However, every soundtrack has its place within the game. The animation art style of the game is really cool and seems to fit the story and game. I don’t know how to describe it. Somehow, the music, art, and story all come together in perfect harmony to create the most Amazing game.

About the Game

So “The World Ends With You,” or TWEWY, is about and adolescent boy named Neku who suddenly finds himself thrown into what feels like a life or death situation. He later finds out that he must partner up to complete missions and survive this deadly Reaper’s Game. Meeting new people and making new friends as they all fight for survival makes every day just a little easier, and harder on others. You’ll know what I’m talking about once you play. And trust me when I say you’ll Love the story.


TWEWY overall is somewhat different from other games is several aspects. You do not level up the normal way with experience points. You feed Neku and his partner food that needs to be “digested.” Along with decking them out in clothes where the brand of clothes and accessories matter.

the world ends with you

When it comes to battle you play as Neku and may also control your current teammate. If you so choose. I know it can be difficult if you are playing for the first time. Each partner you have attacks differently, so you need to familiarize yourself with how they operate. You must fight against Noise using special pins. Each of which have different attacks or abilities that could be useful to you. And each of these pins require different movements of your stylist. Like tapping or dragging across your bottom screen. Some even can’t activate unless certain conditions are met. Not only are all pins different, you can level up your pins with 3 different methods. Which I will not get into. There are a lot of nuances that you should learn about in the game. You’ll enjoy it more.

Last Words

Overall, this game is worth playing for the story alone. And the replay value of this game is very high as there are secrets to uncover after your first playthrough. Learn about how things came to be and who people really are. You can also choose different things to see different results. You’ll know what I’m talking about once you play through once. Oh! I almost forgot. It’s not very important, but it’s something that could be worth your time if you like finishing games to completion. There is something like a minigame called “Tin Pin Slammer” that you should play. It will be relevant at a different time, but it would be good to get good at that minigame. Now, go and get the game! You’re missing out if you don’t.